Losing Weight the Venus Factor Way

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If like me, you’ve ever wanted to lose weight, you may have tried a thing or two. Maybe even more. And then some. It can get very tiring quickly when nothing seems to stick.

I feel like I’ve spent a lot of time dieting in my life. And that’s not fun. I love food and I love to eat. I wouldn’t go as far as saying I’m overweight, but I’m definitely not as healthy as I could be. I fluctuate in weight throughout the year and really do worry about not ever being able to shift it one day.

I don’t think I’m at that stage just yet, but I’m starting to feel a bit more serious at finding something that actually works.

I want to be able to live, healthy, not deny myself anything and everything and not have to be in the gym for countless hours a day. I’m relatively active and despite having an office job, I like to run and walk and go swimming a few times a week.

But I still need help!

I don’t feel like I’m all knowledgeable to do it on my own – or that motivated. If I’m having a bad day, clean meats and salad instantly get swapped for pasta and pizzas. I love to cook for my family too, so I actually enjoy putting together meals that have carbs! And we all know how frowned upon carbs are!

With all of this in mind, I think I’ve found the right plan for me! That’s right – for me! I often read reviews of diet and exercise plans that I just think – this is not going to work for me – and how silly is that.

So I’ve spent some time researching exactly what I need and it looks like Venus Factor could be it!

Table of Contents

What is the Venus Factor?

Workout program for women

The Venus Factor is a weight loss programme put together by health, nutrition and fitness expert John Barban. John has studied weight loss for some time and even worked for some really known supplement brands researching weight loss and fat burning. He’s even really put his focus into this process for women specifically, rather than just opting for a one solution fits all kind of option.

His sister, Lisa, was his first ever client if you like – which I love. I obviously did a lot of research before deciding that Venus Factor could be the one for me and I really do love how female-focused it is. So, John’s sister Lisa put on a lot of weight around her pregnancy that she really struggled to shift.

To help her and further his studies, John got to work on understanding how weight loss works and in particular, how it works on the female form.

Why is it Different?

When you first look at Venus Factor, it’s quite easy to see what the different focus is. It’s called Leptin. Leptin is actually a hormone found in our bodies. Women have twice as much of it as men and it’s what gets to work on fat burning.[1]

During his research, John discovered that female bodies understand and use it differently to men. Because we are made for childbirth, our bodies tend to ignore fat burning and think about how to best protect our bodies and make them hospitable for pregnancy – which includes keeping fat for warming and comfort – darn female genes hey!

So, John has put a lot of time into understanding how to combat this and really get the most out of the Leptin we have – which includes boosting the metabolism, instead of slowing it down like our bodies really want to do.

What Does the Plan Include?

The 12-week plan really has you covered. Not only does it have a guide on what to eat and when, but there is also an online nutrition center that makes your plan personal – based on your lifestyle, when you work out and everything else. Which is always handy to know. It also doesn’t ban all of your favorite foods, which was always a huge factor for me – I’ve never wanted to cut all of the fun stuff out because, well, what’s the fun in that!

Woman eating pizza

It also has the exercise guide in there for you too. It focuses on both cardio and weight training but isn’t going to push you into becoming a huge fitness buff – unless you want it to. The main focus of the plan is you and your goals, so those are taking into consideration to.

You don’t even have to go to the gym if you don’t want to – you can do it completely from home using things like an excretes mat and dumbbells. It does also help to have a bench later on, but it doesn’t mean you have to keep that gym membership.

And What Did you Think?

So I have now completed the 12 weeks and I thought it was best to give an honest review of how I’ve found it. You know I’m not overweight and I’m relatively active, so it’s not like I was going to really struggle with it – but it does make you work for the results you want.

The eating plans are really easy to follow and keep the cravings at bay too which I loved. I was also able to eat pizza a few times and it felt like the best reward for all of my hard work.

I also enjoyed the exercise side of things too! They’re challenging enough to make your body work and get into fat burning mode but not impossible.

Overall I’m going to give the plan a 5 out of 5 as it really did work for me. The Venus Factor weight loss plan really has helped me achieve that balance between fun and healthy and I’m about to start again from the beginning to keep up the hard work!


[1] https://www.webmd.com/diet/obesity/features/8-ways-to-burn-calories-and-fight-fat

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